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HER Virgin Chains

HER Virgin Chains

Regular price $150.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $150.00 USD
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For the girls!! These pieces feature a variety of hand-made chain-link sections, adjustable closure, and bedazzled letter charms  reading "HER", or "HIRE HER" depending on the item. 

collaborative bracelets constructed by Virgin Chains.

charms sourced by Official Rebrand from a shuttering local bead store (alloy unknown).

Length in inches: 
HER bracelet 4 wind: 8 in
Hire her necklace hp4-1: 23

Care Instructions:
-Grab a Tupperware container and pour in a lil dish soap
-Drop in your piece
-Pour in hot water (tap or boiled)
-Shake your piece around vigorously for 30 seconds
-Let sit for up to a day for extra soak
-Rinse your piece and lay out to dry

Click here to check out our HRT virgin chains.

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